Student number:

  • Your personal identity - helps staff to find your details
  • Found on your student ID card
  • Add it to your email signature

Important to know: Your student ID number remains unique and is attached to your record throughout your studies and long after you graduate.

K number:

  • Your online identity - your IT username
  • Use it to log in to King's email, Student Records, KEATS, Student Services Online and other IT platforms.


Should these numbers be the same or different?
Until 2019, these two numbers were completely different. However, the university changed the numbering system, and these numbers are now generated as the same number – the only difference being that the K-number has a ‘K’ at the start.

This means that:

  • For students registered in the first semester of the academic year 2019/20 or earlier; you will have two different numbers.
  • For students registered later in the 2019/20 academic year, around May 2020 or later; you will most likely have the same two numbers.

If you’re unsure what your numbers are, you can find them:

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