Diversity and inclusion
The Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine attracts students and staff from across the world, from completely different backgrounds and with a variety of religious, sexual and gender identities. We want to celebrate this incredible diversity in all that we do and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment.

Professor Emily Williams is Professor of Diversity, Development & Inclusion and Vice Dean (People and Culture) within the faculty.

You can learn more on the faculty’s Diversity & Inclusion webpage, and you can contact the Diversity and Inclusion team at diversity-folsm@kcl.ac.uk.
Celebrating our personal identities

The 'Hello My Name Is’ (HMNI) badges offered to all students within the faculty mirror similar badge schemes in hospitals and various other professional settings. These badges can help facilitate one of the most important human interactions; introducing ourselves and exchanging our preferred names. Please wear your HMNI badge, or another name badge.

We also encourage all members of our community to display their preferred pronouns. To make this as clear as possible we have added your chosen pronouns to the HNMI badges and will also ask you to place this in your email sign off. Having one’s pronouns mistaken takes away from who we are and can immediately cause a lack of connection and trust. Allyship has never been more essential in this world and a simple gesture of displaying your own pronouns may help your peers and patients feel more able to express their full identity.

We encourage the use of the 'Namecoach' name pronunciation software. We hope this easy to access software will allow peers and teachers who interact with you to have a simple way of checking how you wish your name to be pronounced. If they are unable to respectfully how to pronounce your name, this software could help. It takes less than a minute to sign up for and record your name on Namecoach, and you can also specify your pronouns and spell your name out phonetically, as well adding an interesting fact about your name, should you wish!

Please read the King’s guidance on email signatures and on how to update your Microsoft Teams background.  An exemplar email signature or Teams background might include:

  • Your preferred forename and surname
  • A Namecoach link
  • Your preferred pronouns
  • Your year of study
  • Your student Number
Thank you in advance for supporting us to work together in an inclusive community.