In this article:

What is KCLSU Wellbeing?
Kings College London Students’ Union (KCLSU) Wellbeing works closely with students at King’s to promote positive wellbeing, supporting a range of student-led initiatives and campaigns throughout the academic year. 

Both the initiatives and campaigns led by KCLSU Wellbeing have been created to empower and encourage students to take a positive approach when looking after their physical and mental wellbeing.

All activities and events include a wide range of student initiatives, events and training across all campuses and residences, and are inspired by the ‘King’s 5 Ways to Wellbeing’.

KCLSU Wellbeing believes that good wellbeing is about discovering who we are and what makes us thrive. 

It supports students to take care of themselves and get the best of their time at King’s through the Wellbeing Hub and Peer Support.

  • The Wellbeing Hub is the online space for students to find activities, events and resources to boost their wellbeing and thrive.
  • Peer Support are student-only spaces where students can share, learn and support each other’s mental health and wellbeing. The Campus Conversations team offer supportive spaces for any student who wants to improve their mental health and wellbeing.



How can I start a Student-led Wellbeing initiative?


What wellbeing events are run by KCLSU?
Every year King's College London Students' Union (KCLSU) holds a wide range of activities and campaigns across all campuses, all of which have been inspired by the ‘King’s 5 Ways to Wellbeing’ and help to encourage better student wellbeing.

Each week during term time, there will be a designated time on each campus where you can speak to someone to help you explore wellbeing options available to you. At Time Out Tuesdays and What's On Wednesdays, you can spend time switching off from your studies and speak to other King's students. For more information and details on how to attend, visit In Person Support.

All information, about the events and activities below and more, will be available on the Wellbeing Hub, your online space for events, activities and resources to boost your wellbeing and thrive. 



Who are the Campus Conversations team?
The Campus Conversations team are student partners of KCLSU Wellbeing, who promote positive mental health and wellbeing for all students at King’s. 

The Campus Conversations team help other students to thrive during their time at King’s by creating student-only spaces where they can support and learn from each other.

Throughout the academic year, the Campus Conversation team support a wide range of wellbeing outreach activities and workshops designed to empower and encourage students to take a proactive approach when looking after their physical and mental wellbeing. 

You can also connect with the Campus Conversations team on social media and sign up for their newsletter to stay up-to-date with all their activities including a new podcast and blog series: