King's invests its income in a variety of areas, all geared towards supporting education and research.
Our financial information pages show how our income is spent in a financial year which runs from 1 August to 31 July, in the following areas:
  • Academic department costs: all staff, equipment and day-to-day costs in academic departments.
  • Academic service costs: learning facilities for students such as Library and central IT infrastructure.
  • Staff and student facilities: for example mental health services, the careers centre, and sports facilities.
  • Central administration and services: for example Human Resources, Finance and Admissions.
  • Premises: all estates and facilities costs, including academic spaces.
  • General education expenditure: for example student recruitment and scholarships.
  • Residence and catering operations.
  • Research grants and contract.


Tuition fees

Tuition fees are the largest source of income year on year for the university, much like other institutions in the sector. Money received from tuition fees accounts for around half of all income received by King's annually, with around 15% of our total income coming from home undergraduate fees.



How are my tuition fees set?



Why are domestic fees lower than international fees?



Are my tuition fees spent ethically?



What other income sources does King's have?