At King's you'll learn in several different environments:
  • In lectures where you'll be introduced to and explore key concepts and ideas in your subject with a larger group of students.
  • In smaller tutorials and seminars which will give you the chance to discuss and develop your ideas.
  • Depending on your programme, there might be laboratory work or clinical placements.
  • You'll use our virtual learning environment, KEATS. You will learn more about KEATS, how to navigate the online environment and much more in the Essential Digital Skills Programme.
  • You will also encounter Informal Learning Spaces. What we mean by this are the places outside of where you will be taught by our teachers and academics at King's. This could be with other people in study groups, group projects, with your peers or in your personal tutor groups. It can also mean when you are on your own whether that is online, at home or in one of our Libraries or study spaces.

How can I feel confident to speak up in class?



What is plagiarism and academic integrity?