What is a fee status?

A fee status is assigned to applicants during the admissions process to reflect the different levels of tuition fees for our programmes. There are two fee statuses: Home and Overseas. We follow national regulations and guidelines outlined on UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs) about which applicants are permitted to pay a lower rate of fees (the Home fee).

How will King's determine my fee status?

Your fee status is determined by several factors, and not just by your nationality or where you currently live. The information on your application form will help us assess your fee status; if we’re unsure we might send you an additional fee status questionnaire via King’s Apply to gather further information about your circumstances.

Further information about the fee status assessment process is outlined in the fee status assessment policy.

If your application to King’s is successful, we will inform you of your fee status within your offer letter which can be found on King’s Apply.

Important to know: If you have any questions about your fee status once you've applied, please contact King's Admissions via King's Apply. If you have received an offer of study and wish to have your fee status reassessed, please follow the guidance on the relevant webpage under the heading ‘Fee status reassessment for applicants’:

Post-enrolment, there are limited opportunities to have your fee status reassessed and there are strict criteria surrounding this, therefore, it is important that any concerns you have about your fee status should be raised before accepting your offer and before enrolling.


Can King's determine my fee status before I submit an application?



Will my fee status remain the same for the duration of my studies?



 I've gained settled status part way through my course, how does this affect my fees?



 I've enrolled and I believe my fee status is incorrect, how can I request a review?