King’s 2021-22

This page summarises what you can expect from King’s during the 2021-22 academic year and provides links to detailed articles on student topics such as remote study, pastoral support, and extra-curricular opportunities.

Our campuses are fully open. You should expect most of your overall student experience which includes teaching and learning, support and advisory services, access to our libraries and computer rooms, as well as networking and extra-curricular opportunities and social activities, to take place in person and on campus. The safety of our community remains paramount; for the most up-to-date guidance, please visit the Keeping King’s safe together webpage.

Our priority is to support each of you with your individual situation and we appreciate that this might change throughout your studies. There are services available in person and online including mental health support, disability support, immigration, financial support, housing support and the chaplaincy, which is available for those of all faiths and none. Find out how these services can support you through the articles linked below.

The Students’ Union, KCLSU, continues to provide free, confidential, and impartial academic advice to students with issues affecting their studies. They can also help represent your views through the KCLSU student officers.

We are taking a blended approach to 2021-22 teaching and learning, prioritising in-person experiences but utilising technology-enhanced learning where appropriate to enhance your learning. You can find more detailed articles on these topics under the “Your studies” heading below. Remember that your personal tutor or supervisor is available to you and can help to ensure you’re receiving the support you need.

We have a rich offer of activities for you to get involved in beyond your programme. Opportunities cover the King’s BeActive programme, culture, entrepreneurship, leadership, and volunteering; you can participate from wherever you are. Similarly, KCLSU continues to offer its wide range of opportunities to get involved with societies and meet new people.

We understand that the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the entire King’s community in different ways. If you need further support on any of the topics listed below, then you always have the option to Ask a question and we’ll be in touch.