You can report problems or complaints about Student Services directly to us. If you're on campus, then please speak to a member of staff at a Student Services desk. You can find out how to do this by reading our article How can I speak to or visit Student Services in person? 

Alternatively, you can use our Ask a question service and select the categories of "Other" and then "Submit a complaint".

Some enquiries might need to be referred to other colleagues within King's and so will not be resolved immediately.

If you decide to make a complaint Student Services will:

  • deal with your complaint quickly;
  • acknowledge your correspondence within 2 working days;
  • update you on progress if we are unable to resolve the matter immediately;
  • deal with your complaint in confidence (where appropriate).

Escalating complaints
If you are unhappy with the way your complaint has been handled by Student Services, details of the King’s College London student complaints procedure are available online.