Our campuses are fully open. This article provides useful links to information about the different places you can study.
Booking study space
If you would like to book a room on campus, you can do so using the Resource Booker site. You can only make a room booking for private and group study. We’ve created comprehensive guidance on how to book a room using Resource Booker. You can view our user guide to booking on: Resource Booker – Quick start user guide for Students.
You can also book space in our libraries using the LibCal site.
Important to know: bookings must follow the KCLSU room booking process and code of conduct.
There are libraries open at each campus. For locations and opening hours, please visit Libraries & Collections.
Questions about library spaces and services are welcome via libanswers.kcl.ac.uk.
Studying with respect: what do I need to know about using study spaces?
Student Computer Rooms
Student Computer Rooms are available at each campus and in accordance with building opening times. These rooms are available for private study and are also used for classroom teaching. You can find a list of locations and opening hours on the Student Computing Locations intranet page.
The PC Free service allows you to find the nearest available student PC on campus. Check the availability of PC's in each of the Student Computer Rooms (over 1,200 PCs in over 50 rooms across campuses).
King's Food
King's Food operate a range of food & drink outlets at each campus. You can find a list of locations and opening hours on the Food outlets & bars intranet page. Outside the busy lunch period, lots of these places can be used for informal study.
KCLSU spaces
Information on spaces run by the Students' Union (KCLSU) can be found on their Hang out at KCLSU webpage. Places suitable for informal study include:
- Denmark Hill: KCLSU@IOPPN
- Guy's: The Shed / The Spit
- Strand (Bush House South East Wing): The Vault (floor -1), The Shack (ground floor), Lower Loft (floor 7), The Meadow (floor 8)
Spaces for informal learning and heating food