If you are a first-year undergraduate student (including integrated master's programmes) and you don't pass all of your modules, you may be eligible for some credit to be 'compensated' to allow you to progress to the next year of study.

Compensated credit is not always available and there are a number of eligibility criteria. More information can be found in Chapter 5 of the Academic Manual.


Non-core first-year undergraduate modules worth up to 30 credits may be compensated if you have met both of these conditions:

  • Achieved a pass mark in all core modules and in a minimum of 90 credits overall
  • Attempted the assessments for all modules, taking into consideration the outcome of any mitigating circumstances request


Important to know: Students in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences must also achieve a module mark of least 30 in another non-core subject module to be eligible for compensation.



Compensation allowance

There is a compensation allowance for different programme types. For the relevant guidance on compensation allowance for each programme, please read our breakdown of the information, by programme type. 



3-year and 4-year honours


Integrated Masters


Programmes that do not allow compensation


Viewing your results in Student Records

When viewing your results in Student Records, you will be able to see both your module marks and assessment marks. Any core modules or progression-specific modules will be listed in brackets next to the module code. Any module code not followed by any brackets indicates that it is non-core.

Grades of AB and D indicate the assessment has not been attempted.



Examples of compensation