This article contains advice on:
Preventing infection
Clinical placements
If your studies involve clinical contact with patients in King's partner hospital trusts, you will be assessed for infection and immunity status. Hospitals and healthcare workers must take precautions to prevent the spread of diseases and King's follows Department of Health guidance for health checks. 
Clinical infection control - Vaccinations

BCG (Tuberculosis)  



Hepatitis B



MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) 



Varicella (Chickenpox) 


Overseas electives  


If you are planning to undertake an overseas elective, you need to complete a Pre-Travel Fitness questionnaire and email the questionnaire to Optima Health.

If you need vaccinations or proof of health status for your travel, you'll be directed to our partner travel health clinic. The cost of any additional vaccinations or medications required for travel must be covered by you. If you have any concerns, discuss them with your tutor.  
Make sure to complete the travel health questionnaire at least 4-6 weeks before your trip to allow enough time for vaccination schedules. More information on travel health and other providers can be found on the Health & Safety Services Travel page


Biological activities

If you will be working with human tissue as part of a 3-month project, you will receive information and instructions about the risks and necessary safety measures. This includes working with screened tissue, using engineering controls, wearing appropriate protective equipment, and maintaining good laboratory hygiene.  
For vaccinations like hepatitis B, which require several months to be fully effective, vaccination should not be relied upon as the sole protective measure and is not recommended for short-term projects. Vaccination should be used to supplement existing control measures. More information on blood-borne viruses is available from the Health and Safety Executive. 


Needlestick injuries



If you receive a needlestick injury or body fluid exposure, contact the below as soon as possible after the exposure incident: 

  • Optima Health Customer Service team: 0113 350 6063  (Monday - Friday, 08.00-17.00) 
  • CareFirst line 0800 413 324 (Out of hours) 

A risk assessment will be undertaken, and you will be advised if further action is required.  
If you have had a needlestick injury or body fluid exposure, you may need to start post-exposure prophylaxis, if this is required you will be signposted to A&E for treatment.  This is most effective if started within one hour of exposure and may require follow-ups with Occupational Health to monitor the effectiveness of the PEP and any side-effects.  


Clinical placement 

If you are on placement and receive needlestick or body fluid exposure, contact the below as soon as possible after the exposure incident:

  • Optima Health Customer Service team: 01327 810 794 (Monday - Friday, 8.00- 17.00)
  • CareFirst: 0800 413 324 (Out of hours)

You may be asked to attend the nearest OH department or A&E as soon as possible. Please report any needlestick or splash as soon as possible to your clinical lead.   
If you are on an overseas elective, follow the specific emergency advice and prophylaxis instructions from our travel health partner. If injured, you might need to be urgently repatriated to the UK. Inform Occupational Health and your program leader as soon as you return. 



All needlestick injuries and splashes whether at King's, during placement or whilst on elective must be reported to King's via the online accident reporting system. This helps King's monitor control measures and emergency responses and provide advice on necessary actions. 



If you're working with, or potentially exposed to, human blood or tissue products, control measures must be in place to minimise the risk of exposure. Examples of control measures are:  

  • Handling needles and sharps with care and dispose of immediately after use in a sharps bin (never place in clinical waste or other waste bags)  
  • Ensure sharps bins are available at the point of use 
  • Discard sharps bins when three-quarters full (the fill line)  
  • Never re-sheath, bend or break needles before disposal  
  • Dispose of syringes and needles as a unit  
  • Never clear areas where sharps may be present without suitable hand protection  
  • Wear eye protection if there is a risk of splashes