In this article you will find information on booking tickets for yourself and guests for your graduation ceremony, gown hire and information on seating and special requirements.  


Booking my tickets



How can I book my place at a ceremony?



What happens if the ceremony I have been invited to reaches capacity before I manage to book my ticket?



What can I do if I receive my invitation and my ceremony is not when I expect it to be?




How will I receive my tickets?



How can I check the details of my booking?



I’m having difficulties processing my booking; what do I do?


Booking guest tickets



How can I book guest tickets?



How many guest tickets can I book? 



Will I be able to book more guest tickets later?


Seating and special requirements 



How are seats allocated for guests?



How can I notify of any special requirements for myself or my guests?


Gown hire

Information on how to hire your gown will be sent to any student who books a place at a graduation ceremony as part of your booking confirmation; you cannot book your gown until you have booked your ceremony place.

For details on booking a ceremony gown, please refer to What is the academic dress for ceremonies, and how can I book it?