Sexual health encompasses many areas of our overall wellbeing, including reproductive health, pregnancy, contraception (birth control), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and experiences of rape and sexual assault.


If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse, you can access help and/or report it at Report + Support: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct & Sexual Assault.


Important to know: To access some sexual health treatments, you’ll need to be registered with a GP (General Practitioner) in the UK. To learn how to find and register with a GP, please read our article How can I register with a doctor and/or dentist?




Where can I get contraception (birth control)? 



Where can I get tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)? 



Do I need a cervical smear test & where can I get one? 



Where can I access LGBTQ+ friendly sexual health advice? 



I’ve been raped or sexually assaulted; where can I go for support? 



Where can I get more information and support?