A CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studiesis an electronic document created by King's to evidence to the UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) that you are a genuine student and that King’s will be your educational sponsor for your Student Visa application.



How can I obtain a CAS letter? 



When will I receive my CAS number?


Important to know:

  • Once you receive your CAS, it is important to check through this carefully and inform King’s immediately if you notice any errors.  You should not use the CAS to apply for your visa until you are certain all information is correct.  Please see further guidance on what to look out for in our article Checking your CAS information.
  • Make sure you have read through our guidance on “How do I apply for a Student Visa?” before submitting your Student Visa application.
  • Please ensure that you do not travel to the UK unless your Student Visa has been granted and is valid.
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