Register with a doctor
Our article How can I register with a doctor and/or dentist? gives you an overview of how to register with a GP for the first time. We strongly recommend that you register with a local GP while at university. This advice applies to both international students and students moving to London from another part of the UK.
Prior to starting at King’s, we advise that you have:
- A COVID-19 Vaccine, which is the best defence against severe illness and hospitalisation from coronavirus.
- The Meningitis ACWY Vaccine, which can prevent meningitis and septicaemia.
- Two doses of the MMR vaccine, which can protect you from mumps and measles.
Managing your health at university
Looking after your health is always important, but it is especially important at university when you are balancing a wide range of demands, and you may be living independently for the first time.
Please check out our resources to help you:
- Our Health & wellbeing category with a wide range information and guidance to support your all-round health.
- Our article Tops tips on managing your physical health while studying.
- Our article How can I find out about NHS services?