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Student Services Online
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Health & wellbeing
Health & wellbeing
Counselling Service
Registering with the Counselling & Mental Health Support Service
How can the Counselling & Mental Health Support Service help me?
What is King’s Counselling Online (KCO)?
Mental health support from Togetherall
What specialist mental health services can I access?
What are the common issues brought to the Counselling & Mental Health Support Service & what support is available?
What is the Counselling & Mental Health Support Service's cancellation and attendance policy?
Crisis support
I have a serious concern and want help for myself or a student/peer
Mental health support during evenings, weekends & vacation periods
Emergency & crisis support for students
Concerned about suicidal thoughts for yourself or someone else?
I'm a parent, guardian or other supporter of a current King's student, what support can they access?
How is King’s responding to the invasion of Ukraine and what support is available for students?
What is domestic violence & abuse, and what support is available?
Privacy & storing your data for the Student of Concern process
Mental health & wellbeing
Who are the Faculty Wellbeing Advisors?
Mental health support during evenings, weekends & vacation periods
I’m lonely and homesick, what can I do?
I’m finding it hard to adjust to university life, what can I do?
What support & activities are there over the winter break?
What's the King's Way to Wellbeing?
Raising awareness about mental health
What kind of mental health apps are there that I can access?
What can I do to help manage anxious feelings?
Race, inclusion and race equality - how we can support you
Tips & techniques for managing procrastination
Where can I get support for grief & bereavement?
Student Support & Wellbeing Services - Privacy Notice
Tips & techniques for managing low mood
How can I get support for difficulties with drugs or alcohol?
I’m struggling with my mental health while on placement, what should I do?
Tips & techniques for managing worry & insomnia
What is the King's Student Wellbeing Survey?
Make friends and get support at the Take Time Out Wellbeing Hubs
What are eating disorders, and how can I get help?
What mental health support is available after I graduate?
Physical health & sport
How can I register with a doctor and/or dentist?
What do I do if I become pregnant while studying?
Specialist services at King's College London NHS Health Centre
How do I complete my Occupational Health check?
What is Occupational Health (OH)?
What does King's Sport & Wellness have on offer?
How can I find out about NHS services?
What period products are available on campus?
Top tips on managing your physical health while studying
Where can I get support for my sexual health?
How can the Health Advisor for Mandarin-Speaking Students support me?
What is spiking, how can I report it and how can I stay safe?
What do I need to know about measles?
Staying safe on healthcare placements: Infection prevention and needlestick injuries
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?