King's Disability Support & Inclusion team can advise on support and adjustments to assist you in your studies.
In this article we have identified the key areas where adjustments may be required to support you to succeed in your research degree:

We have developed a Postgraduate Research (PGR) Disability Adjustments Planner to help you navigate communication with your supervisor and address disability related needs. Register with the Disability Support & Inclusion team to request a PGR Disability Adjustments Questionnaire and we will help you to create a personal Disability Adjustments Planner.

To contact the team, read our article How can I contact the Disability Support & Inclusion team?


Personal circumstances
If you have medical conditions that require regular medical appointments, it's useful to discuss this with your supervisor in advance so that any planned meetings can take your needs into account.
Home study environments
Your home study environment being comfortable and accessible is important for your success. You might need to consider having a workspace that is free from outside interruption and is ergonomically supportive with a suitable chair, desk and computer set up.
You might need support in mitigating the hours you work due to fatigue, pain or other factors. 
Disability Support & Inclusion can support you to access funding to help you get the resources you need to study as effectively and comfortably as possible. To contact the team, check our article How can I contact the Disability Support & Inclusion team?

For more information about the provisions and support you can access for your disability, read our article What disability support is available to me at King's?


Campus study environments
You might study on campus or in laboratory environments. Your academic department are responsible for ensuring these spaces are accessible. Disability Support & Inclusion can work with departments (and IT and Estates if required) to support your accessibility needs.
Disability Support & Inclusion can support with access funding to obtain specialist equipment if required and we can also source support workers if you need practical support, such as help with laboratory work.
Equipment, resources and software
Disability Support & Inclusion can help with accessing additional equipment, resources and/or software. You may need an external specialist assessment arranged by a Disability Advisor in order to access this.
External environments
Your studies may require you to travel to various sites to meet research participants, undertake fieldwork or research in external archives or libraries. You can discuss your access needs with your supervisor, who can support you with a referral to the Disability Support & Inclusion team.
Supervisor communications
Where you have support needs, it's a good idea to discuss these with your supervisor. You may find that having time in supervision meetings to share information is all the support you need, or you may need additional help.

What support can I get from my supervisor?

You may face challenges in completing research and/or writing and meeting deadlines but there is support available.
If you're neurodiverse, it might be helpful to allocate more time to the reading and writing process. Disability Advisers can offer study skills support via Learning Support Tutors and we can also provide proofreading support for drafts (not for the final submissions). We recommend using assistive software such as Read Aloud to support you with proof reading.
Planning ahead for your final viva examination will give you the best chance of success. Your supervisor may provide support at upgrade stage and offer a practice viva if helpful.

How can I inform my viva examiners about my disability & request reasonable adjustments?


What type of adjustments can be made for me?

Additional support

There is a range of disability support that can be accessed via a Disability Adviser or Mental Health Disability Adviser.


What additional support is available?