In this article you will find general information regarding examinations and assessment. On most programmes of study you will do some form of coursework and exams. Coursework is quite broad and can range from traditional essays to vlogs, poster presentations, leaflets, lab reports and so on. Further general information on assessment can be found on in our article How does assessment at university work?

Details of the specific assessments for your programme of study and your modules can be found in your Programme Handbook and on relevant module pages respectively.

This knowledge article includes information on various aspects of assessment in FoLSM, including submitting coursework, personalised exam arrangements, assessment feedback and more.

There are clear rules and procedures surrounding assessments and the consequences of not being aware of them can be severe. Please ensure that you read the sections below and any assessment guidance we share with you, carefully. 

Submitting coursework



Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)



Marking and assessment feedback



Assessment boards and results



Examination script requests



Reassessment and re-sits



Mitigating circumstances



Academic misconduct



Academic appeals procedure