We know that there are times when unexpected circumstances occur, such as an illness, bereavement or difficult family circumstances, which can affect your ability to study or complete an assessment. We call situations like these a mitigating circumstance.

Mitigating circumstances are defined in academic regulation 4.24: “The University defines mitigating circumstances as significant and unavoidable events which are beyond a student’s control, and which may affect a student’s performance in a summative assessment." The Mitigating Circumstances Policy applies to students on taught programmes and has recently been reviewed and updated. The new policy will take effect from 1 September 2024.
Important to know: If you're applying for mitigating circumstances for module assessments taken in the 2023-24 academic year (this includes reassessments submitted after 1 September), then the old policy will apply.

Prospective student & mitigating circumstances 



Current students & mitigating circumstances



What is the difference between Mitigating Circumstances & Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?


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