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Preparing for exams
When are assessment periods and when will I get my exam timetable?
Support when registering for your exams & accessing your exam timetable
How can I prepare for assessments at King’s?
What can I expect during my remote online exam?
What are the different ways I can be assessed at King’s?
What’s the difference between open, limited and closed book exams?
Academic support when taking assessments at King's
Support for students taking assessments during Ramadan
At our main venue
Travelling to and taking your exam at ExCeL London
What items can I take into my exams?
What is exam and assessment misconduct?
Travelling to and taking your exam on campus
I have Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA) for my exams at ExCeL London. How can I access the venue?
Alternative venue arrangements
What items can I take into my exams?
What is exam and assessment misconduct?
Online assessments
What can I expect during my remote online exam?
What are the different ways I can be assessed at King’s?
Personalised Assessment Arrangements
PAA for learning difficulties
Guidance for applying for Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)
What are Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?
How can I apply for 5-day extensions for coursework assessments (including essays and dissertations)?
What is a coversheet/exam script sticker?
After you have submitted your Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA) application
What arrangements are generally made for students with Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?
How do I arrange examination adjustments for my disability?
I have a King’s Inclusion Plan (KIP). Does this allow me extra time for my exams?
I have Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA) for my exams at ExCeL London. How can I access the venue?
How can I appeal the decision made on my application for Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?
How can I appeal the decision made on my application for Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA) made via Disability Support & Inclusion Team?
PAA for medical conditions
Guidance for applying for Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)
What are Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?
How can I apply for 5-day extensions for coursework assessments (including essays and dissertations)?
After you have submitted your Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA) application
What arrangements are generally made for students with Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?
I have Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA) for my exams at ExCeL London. How can I access the venue?
How can I appeal the decision made on my application for Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?
How can I appeal the decision made on my application for Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA) made via Disability Support & Inclusion Team?
Mitigating circumstances
How can I apply for mitigating circumstances?
What are mitigating circumstances?
Application deadlines for mitigating circumstances
How can I apply for 5-day extensions for coursework assessments (including essays and dissertations)?
What evidence do I need to provide for my mitigating circumstances application?
Events not normally considered mitigating circumstances
Support for students with mitigating circumstances
Outcomes of a mitigating circumstances application
Who can I contact to ask questions about my mitigating circumstances request?
Results & re-sits
I need to prove my module results so far
When will my exam results be available & how can I access them?
Marking & award classifications at King's
I need to prove I’ve finished my course and am awaiting results
How might industrial action affect my exams, assessments and progression through my studies?
My progression status is ‘Awarded (N3)’, what does this mean?
I'm a postgraduate taught student who's had results released, what more do I need to know?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (A1)’, what does this mean?
What is compensated credit?
My progression status is ‘Awarded (N2)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Progress (B1)’, what does this mean?
What are core modules and progression-specific modules?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AG)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (A2)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Award (NB1)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AS)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Progress (B3)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (A6)’, what does this mean?
I've been informed that I've been given an exceptional additional attempt at a failed module, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Progress (BG)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Progress (BC)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is AP, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AE)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (A3)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (B2)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Award (NB3)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AJ)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Pending (X2)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘On Hold (H1)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AI)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Progress (BD)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AL)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Progress (BF)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AA)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Award Pending (NX2)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AB)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AH)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AK)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Awarded (N1)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is E3, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AN)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Awarded (N4)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is 'Cannot Progress (BB)', what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AM)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AQ)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Award Pending (NX1)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Progressed (AZ)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is AD, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Pending (X1)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is ‘Cannot Award (NB2)’, what does this mean?
My progression status is T5, what does this mean?
My progression status is BV, what does this mean?
My progression status is E1, what does this mean?
My progression status is E4, what does this mean?
My progression status is T2, what does this mean?
My progression status is T4, what does this mean?
My progression status is E2, what does this mean?
My progression status is AV, what does this mean?
My progression status is T6, what does this mean?
My progression status is T3, what does this mean?
Transcripts & certificates
I need a transcript
Your Degree Certificate
I’ve graduated recently and need my degree certificate
What is the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)?
I’m King’s alumni and I need to prove my degree
How can an employer or other agency verify a degree from King’s?
I graduated a year ago or more, and need my degree certificate
I need a specialised transcript for my programme
What is my awarding body and can I change it?
Research Degree Students
What is a Field of Study?
What is a Subject Area Board? (SAB)
Who nominates my examiners?