Serious fraud
Student fee fraud
Unfortunately, students are increasingly being targeted by money-related scams. A scenario that is becoming more common is where a third party offers to pay a student's fees on their behalf at a discounted rate. There are no discount schemes at King’s, so if you receive any correspondence about discounted fees then it is likely to be fake.

This is a very serious scam which can have significant impact on your finances.

Read more about this in our article How can I avoid student fee fraud and/or scams?
Fraud & organised crime
Money laundering or money muling, commonly affects students, and this goes beyond the usual scam and is regarded as serious fraud, and usually connected to organised crime.

Getting involved in this type of activity is a crime and can have serious consequence for you and your future.

Read more about this in our article What is money muling or money laundering, & how can I avoid it?
Accommodation scams
Students can be the victims of numerous different scams when searching for and trying to secure accommodation. We’ve put together some safety tips to be aware of for some of the most common scams out there.
Fraudulent phone calls

You may receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from an official body, government agency or an organisation you’re associated with, asking for your details. Even though many scammers increasingly use email and various digital means for scams, such phone calls are still common.
Important to know: UK students are currently being targeted by scam callers asking for money to be paid over the phone. The scammers pretend to be members of King’s staff or from your bank and tell you your account has been compromised. The caller will try to persuade you to move your money into another account. We recommend updating your Student Finance password, ensuring that a unique, secure password is used and checking that your bank details in the system are correct.
Please read this article for the latest information: King’s students being targeted in phone payment scam.

To find out more about the usual types of fraudulent phone calls, or ‘vishing’, and how to spot them, check out our article What are fraudulent phone calls, and how can I look out for them?
Cyber kidnapping scams
Scammers may call you stating that they either have a family member in their possession or will kidnap a family member if you don't do what they say. They might warn you that if you tell anyone about what’s going on, your family member will be at risk and will ask for large amounts of money to ensure their safety. They might provide personal details that are very convincing to cause distress and make you feel like you have to act quickly.
Digital scams

Anyone can be targeted; most people have a mobile phone, an email account, social media accounts, and various other online accounts. This means many people across all ages will have been targeted at some point, and digital scams are increasingly common as more and more of our activities and transactions go online. To avoid falling victim to these scams, it’s a good idea to learn how to spot them and stay safe online.

Check out our article What digital scams are there, and how can I avoid them?
Purchasing goods & services

The popularity of booking tickets, getting student discounts from restaurants or buying course books, paying for various services and subscriptions online, makes it easier for fraudsters to advertise fake products or services that may never arrive once you have paid.

Check out our article: How can I avoid scams when purchasing goods & services?

Video series: Understanding & Avoiding Scams

Support for experiencing scams & fraud

If you've already been or believe you may have been a victim of a scam/fraud, please refer to our article I think I've been targeted by a scam, what should I do? for support.