In this article:



What the Support for Study policy & procedure is and how it works



What is the Support for Study policy & procedure? 



What happens at each stage of the Support for Study process? 



When and why might my case be escalated to the next stage of Support for Study? 




Support for students going through Support for Study



What support will I receive under the Support for Study Policy & Procedure? 



I’ve been invited to a meeting under Support for Study. What happens now & what should I do? 



I’ve been asked to submit evidence for Support for Study, what do I do? 



I've been interrupted under Support for Study; what support is available?



Further Questions about Support for Study



Will the Support for Study process be used if I am hospitalised? 



How does Support for Study relate to other King’s policies and procedures? 



I feel overwhelmed; where can I get advice and support around Support for Study?