You have not yet progressed as you have not passed enough credit to progress to your next year of study. However, some of your marks are yet to be received. Your faculty or department will contact you directly with further information on next steps, if they have not already done so.


Accessing results

Your full results are now available to view on Student Records. For further instructions, please read our article How can I view my results?

You may wish to obtain written confirmation of your results so far for prospective employers or other third parties. You can do this by downloading your Record of Agreed Results (ROAR) letter from Gradintelligence. For further instructions, please read our article I need to prove my module results so far.

Advice and support

We understand not being progressed to the next year of study may be worrying and you may want to reach out to wellbeing services for support. Please refer to the following articles for more information:



For more information, please refer to our article How can I make an academic appeal?

If you would like confidential and impartial academic advice on issues such as mitigating circumstances, academic appeals, support is available from the KCLSU Advice Service.