If you believe your ability to complete an assessment of any type might be or has been, adversely affected by mitigating circumstances, you should complete and submit a mitigating circumstances request. This is a request to be granted an authorised absence from an assessment or to request for an extension to a submission deadline. 
Important to know: To understand the deadlines for mitigating circumstances applications, please read the separate article Application deadlines for mitigating circumstances.
Submitting a mitigating circumstances request
I’m unsure if my situation counts as mitigating circumstances  
How do I submit a mitigating circumstances request? 
Common questions and further support  
Common questions about the application process 
I do not have an option to select my module(s) when applying for mitigating circumstances, what should I do?
I need further support with my submission
Important to know: Progression requirements (Chapter 5 of the academic regulations) are still applicable and must still be met. Please be aware of the progression requirements if you are applying to defer assessment(s) to the following academic year and seek advice from your department/KCLSU if you are unsure if your progression will be affected.
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