If you believe your ability to complete an assessment of any type might be or has been, adversely affected by mitigating circumstances, you should complete and submit a mitigating circumstances request. This is a request to be granted an authorised absence from an assessment or to request for an extension to a submission deadline.
Important to know: To understand the deadlines for mitigating circumstances applications, please read the separate article Application deadlines for mitigating circumstances.
Submitting a mitigating circumstances request
I’m unsure if my situation counts as mitigating circumstances
If you’re unsure whether you’re capable of taking an assessment and/or think that you might have mitigating circumstances, you are strongly encouraged to speak to someone who can help you assess the impact your circumstances are having on you.
You can access support from:
- Your doctor
- A Counsellor
- A Disability advisor,
- An Advisor in the Students’ Union
- Your personal tutor
How do I submit a mitigating circumstances request?
We have provided basic steps on how to raise a new mitigating circumstances request, provide a summary of circumstances, and linking an assessment to your mitigating circumstances request below.
We strongly advise you to also read the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF, which includes screenshots of each of the steps outlined below and further guidance.
Raising a new Mitigating Circumstances request
- Log on to Student Records.
- Select ‘Student Home Page’ within the banner at the top of the homepage.
- Select ‘My Mitigating Circumstances’ within the ‘My Modules’ area, (as shown in the screenshot below)
- On the Mitigating Circumstances homepage, you will find links to user guides, videos and other Student Services Online articles. Before submitting a new request, particularly if it is your first request, please read this guidance and familiarise yourself with the Mitigating Circumstances Policy.
- To begin completing a request, select ‘New Request’ within the ‘Submit a new Mitigating Circumstances request’ area.
You can also find detailed screenshots of this stage on Page 2 of the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF. (Within Section 1: Accessing Mitigating Circumstances & Raising new Mitigating Circumstances request)
Providing a summary of Circumstances
When submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request, the first stage is to provide a summary of your circumstances:
- Select the most appropriate/ relevant option from the Nature of the Circumstances drop-down list. If neither of the options are applicable to your circumstances, select Other Personal difficulties.
- Provide further details of your circumstances within the Summary of Circumstances free-text field. There is a 2000- character limit though you are not required to use all the characters. You’ll, however, need to ensure that your summary is clear, concise, and provides all the relevant information.
- Once you have completed updating your circumstances click Next to proceed to the next stage (Select assessments)
If you have a King's Inclusion Plan
If your records show that you have a King’s Inclusion Plan, you’ll have the option of including this as part of your supporting evidence. You should only include your KIP as evidence if it's relevant to your circumstances.
To include your KIP as evidence, select Yes when prompted to do so. If you do not want to include your KIP as it is not relevant to your request, select No.
To include your KIP as evidence, select Yes when prompted to do so. If you do not want to include your KIP as it is not relevant to your request, select No.
You can also find detailed screenshots of this stage on Page 3 of the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF. (Within Section 2: Summary of Circumstances)
Linking your assessments to your request
The next step is to link the assessments (affected by your circumstances) to your request. You must link at least one assessment in order to submit your request. On this page, you will see all your current modules listed on this page and the number of assessments within these modules (Summary column)
You can view screenshots of the functions and instructions on Page 4 of the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF.
You can view screenshots of the functions and instructions on Page 4 of the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF.
To view/link an assessment
- Click on the Select Assessments button (against the relevant module)
- You will then see listed the assessment(s) within that module. Before selecting an assessment, you are required to provide additional details, which will support the decision-making process. Some guidance on the information you should be providing is available within the ‘Supporting Evidence’ section.
Important to know: Depending on the screen-size or device used, some of the table fields (see below) may be hidden. To display these hidden fields, use the scrolling arrow at the top right of the container.
Within the 'Select Assessment' screen, you will need to complete the following fields:
Attempted Field:
Within the Attempted field, you’ll need to provide details of whether one or more of the
assessments have been attempted.
assessments have been attempted.
Important to know: If this is a retrospective submission (i.e you are submitting this submission after the assessment deadline) You’ll need to provide further details as to why you were not able to submit a form before the assessment deadline within the Summary of Circumstances section of the submission form. Read our ‘Providing a Summary of circumstances’ section above.
Name field:
The Name field will either be blank or automatically populated with a generic title (e.g. 2-hour examination).You’ll need to provide the full name and / or element of the assessment (where possible) within this field, as it will avoid potential delays, should the administrative team need to request this information from you post-submission.
Current Due Date/Date of Exam field:
The Current Due Date / Date of Exam is a mandatory field. You will not be able to submit your request without completing this field. If you are entering more than one assessment, you should use the first date.
Mitigation Requested:
The Mitigation Requested is also a mandatory field. You will not be able to submit your request without completing this field.
You must select one of the most appropriate mitigation from the drop-down list (i.e. extension, deferral or cancellation)
The Mitigation Requested is also a mandatory field. You will not be able to submit your request without completing this field.
You must select one of the most appropriate mitigation from the drop-down list (i.e. extension, deferral or cancellation)
Important to know: If you are requesting an extension, you should provide a ‘Requested Due Date’. We strongly advise that you provide a requested due date during your submission to prevent delays, as the administrative team may need to request this information from you, post-submission.
3. Once you have added the above details, ensure that you tick the box in the Select column (far right) and then click Add To Request You will then see confirmation that the assessment has been linked to your request within the Select a module container.
Repeat the above steps for any other assessments that you wish to link to your request.
Repeat the above steps for any other assessments that you wish to link to your request.
Once you have linked all the assessments relevant to your circumstances to your request, click Next to proceed to the next stage (Supporting Evidence)
You can also find detailed screenshots of this stage on Page 4 of the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF. (Within Section 3: Select Assessments )
To remove a linked assessment
If you need to remove the linked assessment from your request:
- Click on the Select Assessments button
- Tick the box in the Select column
- Select Remove from Request
You will then see that the assessment has been removed from your request within a 'Select a module' container.
You can also find detailed screenshots of this stage on Page 5 of the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF. (Within Section 3: Select Assessments)
Reviewing your application for mitigating circumstances
Important to know: Before submitting your application for mitigating circumstances, we strongly advise you to read the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF, which includes detailed screenshots and further guidance on the Mitigating Circumstances process.
The Summary and Confirmation stage is the final stage in the mitigating circumstances application process, where you can review and amend (if necessary) the details of your request before completing your submission.
Important to know: You cannot amend any of the details of your request ('Nature of Circumstances' or 'Linked Assessments') after submission. Therefore, please double-check that all the details and ensure that all the information is accurate (to the best of your knowledge) before proceeding.
Important to know: You cannot amend any of the details of your request ('Nature of Circumstances' or 'Linked Assessments') after submission. Therefore, please double-check that all the details and ensure that all the information is accurate (to the best of your knowledge) before proceeding.
You are, however, able to upload evidence / provide additional information to your request after your submission. For guidance on submitting additional information after your submission, please read the guidance under the heading 'Providing supporting evidence for your mitigating circumstances application' within our article Evidence to support your mitigating circumstances application.
Reviewing your submission:
- Once you are satisfied that all the details you've provided are accurate, you must agree to the Confidentiality Statement, before clicking on the 'Submit' button to complete your submission.
- You will then receive an automated email to confirm your submission. This email will include a unique reference number, which you can quote if you are ever querying the status of your request. The submitted request will then be listed within the 'Requests Under Consideration' container on the Mitigating Circumstances homepage.
You can see detailed screenshots of this stage on Page 8 of the Student Guide for Submitting a Mitigating Circumstances request via Student Records PDF. (Within Section 5: Summary and Confirmation)
Common questions and further support
Common questions about the application process
Can I submit a single Mitigating Circumstances request for multiple assessments?
Yes, you can link multiple assessments as part of a single request. This can be done on the ‘Select Assessments’ page (while submitting a new request), where it will list all of your current modules and assessments.
Please be careful when selecting your affected assessments because you can’t add or remove assessments once your request is submitted. If you require mitigation for additional assessments post-submission, you’ll need to raise a new request for the affected assessment(s).
Can I edit the details of my request after submission?
Unfortunately, you can’t edit the ‘Nature of your Circumstances’ field or add/remove assessments once you have submitted your request. You can, however, upload evidence post-submission while your request is at the Pre-panel Administration stage. If your circumstances change and/or you need to update the details of your request post-submission, please contact your relevant academic department directly.
Can I withdraw a mitigating circumstances request?
No, unfortunately, you can’t withdraw your request once submitted. If your circumstances change and/or the request is no longer valid, please contact your relevant academic department directly and you can discuss whether withdrawing your submission is an appropriate step for you.
What if I've not heard the outcome of my request and my deadline/exam is coming up?
If you haven't received the outcome of your request before the completion of an assessment, you must decide whether to undertake the assessment on time knowing that the mitigation request may or may not be successful.
If you feel that your performance will be significantly affected, you should still submit/undertake the assessment, unless you feel that this would exacerbate your condition or disrupt the assessment for other students.
If your mitigation application is unsuccessful and you haven't completed the assessment, you'll automatically receive a mark of zero for that assessment.
I do not have an option to select my module(s) when applying for mitigating circumstances, what should I do?
If you do not have an option to select your module(s) in Student Records, contact your department or faculty who will assist you further.
I need further support with my submission
If you need further support with your request, you should contact your department in the first instance. Departmental contact details will be in your faculty/department handbook(s).
Please visit our article Faculty Student Hubs: Contacting & visiting your faculty for the latest updates on contacting your department during this period.
Important to know: The Students’ Union have an advice team, KCLSU Advice, who provide free, impartial, and confidential advice and support to students. They can help you by explaining how the mitigating circumstances works, providing advice on how to complete requests and giving you the time to talk about your personal circumstances.
Important to know: Progression requirements (Chapter 5 of the academic regulations) are still applicable and must still be met. Please be aware of the progression requirements if you are applying to defer assessment(s) to the following academic year and seek advice from your department/KCLSU if you are unsure if your progression will be affected.