Collecting your student ID card is the final step to enrolling at King’s. Information on how to collect your student ID card is available below, including how to book a slot and what to bring with you.

There are different requirements for student ID collection depending on your nationality.


I am an international student and I do not hold British or Irish nationality 



What do I need to do before collecting my student ID card?


How do I collect my student ID card for the first time?



What do I need to bring to collect my student ID card?


I hold British or Irish nationality


Please note that if you're a dual national student (you hold British or Irish nationality and the nationality of another country) you should follow this process below.

What do I need to do before collecting my student ID card?


How do I collect my student ID card?


What do I need to bring to collect my student ID card?

Other student ID card questions

Can you post my student ID card to my home address?



I didn't receive a link to book my student ID card in my Right to Study check confirmation email. What do I do?



I'm studying on a King's Digital programme, do I need to collect an ID card?



I’m studying at a partner institution of King's. How do I collect my student ID card?



I need a new lanyard, where can I get one?



I'm a visiting student on campus for a short period of time. How do I collect my student ID card?

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