This article includes guidance on taking an in-person exam on campus. Please see this article if you are taking exams on campus and see this article if you're a student with PAA travelling to ExCeL London.

General travel information:

  • When choosing your arrival station for ExCeL London, please aware that Custom House station is a 15 minute walk to the venue. Where possible, we recommend using Prince Regent station.
  • We recommend referring to the Plan a Journey tool from TfL (Transport for London) when planning your route to help you arrive for your exam on time. This includes a number of accessibility filters, to help you find step-free routes, for example.
  • You can also find further accessibility information on the TfL website.
  • You may also want to refer to Google Maps or Citymapper.
  • Look out for disruption to tube or train services on the route to your exam venue. Disruption can be caused by a technical issue or strike action. You can follow these by checking:
  • Please read our article Support when registering for your exams & accessing your exam timetable for further guidance on:   
    • Registering for your exams   
    • Accessing your exam timetable on KCL My Timetable  
    • Finding your candidate number  & seating arrangements (including students who have been approved for Personalised Assessment Arrangements) 
Travelling to ExCeL London

ExCeL London is a large, multifunctional exhibition and convention centre that hosts a wide variety of events and meetings. As you prepare to travel to ExCeL, please be aware that other events may be taking place elsewhere in the venue.
There are a range of resources you can use to find the venue and plan your route, including the TfL Plan a Journey Tool, the ExCeL London website, Google Maps or Citymapper. You may also find TfL's accessibility information helpful.
On the day of the exam, you have two options for stations:

Important to know: It is approximately a 15 minute walk from Custom House station to the exam hall within ExCeL, so we recommend that you plan ahead to ensure you are able to arrive on time for your exam. We would recommend using Prince Regent station if you can, for a shorter walk.

The full address is: ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London, E16 1XL.
Arriving at ExCeL

What identification do I need to enter the exam venue & exam hall?


I’ve lost my Student ID, what other form of ID can I use?


What should I do with my personal belongings?


When will I be told my seat number?



During your exam 
Behaviour expectations during your exam
When can I start my exam?

Can I ask questions during my exam?


Can I go to the toilet during my exam?


Can I leave an exam early?



Support with your candidate number and or exam registration on the day of your exam  

It’s the day of my exam & I don't have a candidate number


I’m unregistered for my exam/my name doesn’t appear on the exam seating plan



I am unable to attend my in-person exam due to mitigating circumstances
I am unable to attend my in-person exam, what can I do?



After your exam 

What happens at the end of an exam?


What should I do if I've left my student ID card/ other property in the exam hall?


When will my exam results be available?