In this article:

Starting your studies



Am I eligible for Council Tax Exemption when progressing from undergraduate to postgraduate study?



I’ve completed the online enrolment task and am starting my course very soon. When can I get my Confirmation of Study letter for banking and accommodation?



Taking a break in your studies



What is the difference between being on a ‘Dormant’ status or a ‘Dormant – Resit’ status?



What emails/notifications should I expect to receive about my interruption?



If I’m interrupted, do I still have a personal tutor and can I contact them?



Can I still contact academic staff in my department?



What happens with my student funding while I’m interrupted?



Am I entitled to Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)?



Am I still entitled to student discounts?



Am I still eligible for Council Tax Exemption (CTE) while I’m on an interruption?



Can I continue living in my student residence?



If I’m on a Tier 4 or Student visa, can I remain in the UK?



Am I allowed into campus buildings?



Can I still access my Confirmation of Study letter while I'm interrupted?



What support, systems and software can I still get access to?



Finishing your studies



Am I still considered a student until my graduation ceremony?



Am I still considered a student until my results and award are released?



I have submitted my thesis and now I can’t access my Confirmation of Study letter; does this mean I am no longer considered a student?